
We are an international group of lifelong learners and innovators expanding the world’s knowledge with cancer research. Working under the leadership of Dr. Samuel Aparicio, we are an interdisplinary group of individuals from all walks of life. Physically located at the BC Cancer Resarch Centre in the heart of Vancouver, BC, we are an academic non-profit research lab affiliated with the UBC Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.

As researchers, we strive to invent and apply the newest technologies to uncover findings in our unparalleled sample collection, producing world-class research regularly published in high-impact journals. As staff, we bring our unique talents and experiences to building a unmatched foundation of scientific and software support to aid in the drive to discovery.

We seek like-minded individuals looking for academic lifestyle, personal growth and a meaningful contribution to health, science and research. See below for active postings.


The Aparicio lab is developing new single-cell genome and transcriptome methods for tracking clonal trajectories at the single-cell level in patient tissues and to gain a better understanding of the tumour microenvironment. Our researchers use the latest single-cell genomics technologies to rapidly identify genes that are involved in the development of cancer. This position will be working on the Single-Cell Genomics Platform on research projects currently ongoing in the lab. The successful candidate will be providing technical guidance, expertise, technology development and support to both internal/external researchers using the single-cell genomics platform; located at 2 separate research facilities in Vancouver, B.C.

We are seeking a highly-motivated and highly skilled individual with expertise or experience in single-cell genomics, liquid handling robotics, and/or next-generation sequencing with a strong background in molecular biology. The successful applicant will work full-time under the direction and supervision of Dr. Samuel Aparicio, Principal Investigator, and his designate. Individuals with experience using liquid handling robotics are considered an asset. Experience with bioinformatics approaches to biological data and familiarity with the handling of genomics and next-generation sequencing data will be an advantage. This position will provide the candidate with a high leel of exposure to single-cell genomics and translational research, as well as, providing opportunities to work collaboratively with industry partners and other researchers globally; the position start date is flexible.


Aparicio Lab is located in the department of Molecular Oncology at BC Cancer Research Institute in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The candidate will report directly to Dr. Samuel Aparicio, or Laboratory Research and Operations Manager, in addition, the applicant may assist in overseeing the technical work of students and trainees.


  • Plans and performs experiments utilizing established complex procedures and/or techniques for investigating single-cell genomics, involving the use of liquid handling robotics and 10x genomics platforms.
  • Collaborates with PI and team members to support the development project pipelines, and technical experiments.
  • Visualize and analyze cells using microscopy and flow cytometry.
  • Generation, preparation and submission of next-generation sequencing libraries.
  • Using an LMIS system to track and record sample data
  • Provide technical expertise and support in molecular biology, protein biochemistry, tissue culture and virology
  • Develop and implement standard operating protocols (SOPs).
  • Maintains laboratory records and experimental data.
  • Assist in general lab maintenance such as reagent preparation, receiving and inventory of lab supplies.
  • Conducts complex data analysis and interpretation of data resulting from high throughput experiments.
  • Presents data at scientific meetings, writes reports and contributes to writing ethics and grant applications.
  • Carries out any other related duties as assigned or required in keeping with the qualifications and requirements of this technician level.


The work is complex and required a high level of training, tasks are assigned and the incumbent exercises a considerable amount of responsibility, initiative and judgment in determining their work schedule to achieve those tasks. Errors may result in the permanent loss of irreplaceable tissue samples, loss of thousands of dollars of material and/or damage to equipment. Incorrect decisions or actions may damage the reputation of the laboratory, lead to a loss of credibility in this field, and be financially costly. Noncompliance with biosafety and chemical safety regulations may also result in the closure of the facility or loss of grant funding.


The successful applicant will work under minimum supervision. From time to time, Principal Investigator or Laboratory Research and Operations Manager may provide specific instructions on unusual problems or new project outlines. This position will report to the Principal Investigator or Laboratory Research and Operations Manager.


Depending on experience and expertise, the successful applicant may be required to assist in the training and supervision of graduate students/trainees, junior staff, or external collaborators; including providing instruction on the use of lab equipment and procedures, and will help troubleshoot experiments in their area of expertise.


Completion of a university degree in a relevant discipline or technical program and a minimum four years of related experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Some positions may require a graduate degree.

  • Willingness to respect diverse perspectives, including perspectives in conflict with one’s own
  • Demonstrates a commitment to enhancing one’s own awareness, knowledge, and skills related to equity, diversity, and inclusion


  • An MSc in Biological Sciences (Molecular Biology or other relevant fields) with work experience in single cell genomics biology, next-generation sequencing or molecular biology, preferred
  • Working knowledge and understanding of molecular biology and biochemistry techniques such as next-generation sequencing, PCR, DNA/RNA purification and molecular cloning techniques are essential; prior working experience in next-generation sequencing and library construction is considered a great asset.
  • Experience with cell culture and aseptic technique.
  • Working hands-on experience in tissue handling and tissue dissociation methods would be an asset.
  • Ability to perform and troubleshoot a wide variety of molecular and cellular biology techniques including the following: RNA / DNA isolation, quantitative PCR, transfection, flow cytometry, immunohistochemistry, ELISA, protein isolation, and western blotting.
  • Preference will be given to applicants with liquid handling robotics, single-cell genomics, next-generation sequencing, and 10x Genomics experience.
  • Experience in immunocytochemistry and basic data analysis in R or similar statistics package would be an asset.
  • Demonstrated understanding of experimental design and assay optimization.
  • Strong interpersonal skills, communication skills (orally and written) and the ability to interact positively and productively with other team members are essential.
  • Excellent documentation and organizational skills.
  • Able to multi-task, prioritize and handle multi-project assignments concurrently.
  • The successful candidate must be well-organized, conscientious, understand the importance of detail, and be able to multi-task and prioritize duties effectively.

How to Apply

This position is located within a health-care facility. Therefore, this positions requires successful verification of full vaccination against Covid-19 provided prior to the start date, as required by the provincial health mandate.

The anticipated start date for this position is May 1, 2023. The term is for one year with the possibility of extension.

In your application please include (1) a cover letter, and (2) a CV or resume.

At UBC, we believe that attracting and sustaining a diverse workforce is key to the successful pursuit of excellence in research, innovation, and learning for all faculty, staff and students. Our commitment to employment equity helps achieve inclusion and fairness, brings rich diversity to UBC as a workplace, and creates the necessary conditions for a rewarding career.

Apply online now


Post-doctoral Fellow (PDF) Single Cell Genomics, drug resistance in cancer We are seeking a highly-motivated post-doctoral fellow (PDF) with strong leadership ability and expertise in single cell genomics and transcriptomics, and a strong background in molecular biology. The successful applicant will work full-time under the supervision of Dr. Samuel Aparicio on an exciting project decoding the role of epigenomic and genomic drug resistance. The position start date is flexible.


The Aparicio lab is developing new single cell genome and transcriptome methods for tracking clonal trajectories at single cell level in patient tissues and patient-derived xenografts (PDX). The lab is highly multidisciplinary and highly productive (Laks et al, Cell 2019, Salehi et al Nature 2021, Funnell et al Nature 2022) and is well funded for single cell analysis of genomes and transcriptomes in cancer. The Aparicio lab is developing new single cell genome and transcriptome methods for tracking clonal trajectories at single cell level in patients and patient-derived xenografts. The project involves collaborating on an exciting project mapping clonal dynamics in human cancers under drug treatment with new single cell methods. The post holder will also have the opportunity to interact as part of the international Welcome LEAP Delta Tissue project and an exciting new program in the biology of epithelium from high risk carriers of BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations. These projects are bringing new measurement methods and computational techniques to the 3D reconstruction of tumours, and mapping drug sensitivity and drug combinations using sgRNA/CRISPR methods in vivo. The program works closely with UBC departments of statistics and computer science and the New York Genome Center NY, on the development of new models for single cell data and cancer evolution. Some experience with bioinformatics approaches to biological data and familiarity with handling of genomics data will be an advantage.


Aparicio Lab is located in the department of Molecular Oncology at BC Cancer Research Center in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The candidate will report directly to Dr. Samuel Aparicio, and will play a senior leadership role in the laboratory.

The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at UBC is a hybrid, academically intensive Department within the UBC Faculty of Medicine whose activities span a broad spectrum of teaching, research, and academic service, often performed in the milieu of clinical practice, and are ultimately devoted to improving the care, treatment, and well-being of patients. The Department offers academic degrees at the bachelor’s (Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (BMLSc)) and graduate (MSc, PhD) levels with the graduate program, one of the largest in the Faculty of Medicine, which has been recognized by UBC for its quality. The Department plays a major role in the MD undergraduate program and offers an accredited residency-training program. Faculty members participate across a spectrum of research from basic investigative to translational to clinical applied research and are recognized locally, nationally and internationally for their excellence.


  • Provide leadership, strategic direction, and translational research pertaining to single cell genomics and transcriptomics, and CRISPR methods.
  • Design and implement research plan to investigate the clonal dynamics in human cancer through single cell methods.
  • Design and conduct animal experiments.
  • Conduct in vivo testing or characterization of drugs, small molecules, knockouts or antibodies in relevant PDX animal models.
  • Foster research collaborations and work jointly with academic, clinical, industry, and other partners.
  • Scientifically document lab experiments, data analysis, interpretations.
  • Write manuscripts, present results at internal and external meetings.
  • Identify funding opportunities and if required write or assist with grant proposals
  • Lead and mentor junior trainees/students in the laboratory


This is a senior research position that plays a critical role in the development of this novel field. PDF is accountable for the quality and integrity of the research and data, including analyses and interpretation, as well as the effective and efficient management of research projects and deliverables. This position requires innovation, strategic planning, and adaptability. Incorrect decisions or actions may damage the reputation of the laboratory, lead to loss of credibility in this field, and be financially costly.


The PDF will work with a high degree of independence and set priorities under broad directives from Dr. Aparicio. The PDF will be expected to provide direction and mentoring in the laboratory under the supervision of Dr. Aparicio. This position will also provide the candidate with a high level of exposure to single cell genomics and translational research, as well as, providing opportunities to work collaboratively with industry partners and other researchers globally.


The PDF will be expected to provide mentorship and guidance to undergraduate, graduate students and other research members as required.


  • Ph.D. in biology, cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, genomics, or similar discipline.
  • The candidate should have a solid scientific and technical background with excellent written/oral communication, interpersonal and organizational skills.
  • Preference will be given to candidates with a proven track record with a minimum of 2-3 first author publications in reputable journals.
  • Proficiency in cell biology, molecular biology, histology, genetics, genomics, next-generation sequencing and biochemistry techniques.
  • Demonstrate the ability to work in a highly interdisciplinary environment.
  • Experience with cancer research.
  • Expertise and hands-on experience in animal studies, including all aspects of design, handling, breeding, tissue collection, histology, and analyses are essential.
  • Familiarity with testing/characterization of small molecule or drug in vivo is preferred.
  • Previous biochemical/cell biology and molecular biology experience with single cell genomics / transcriptomics, next generation sequencing, drugs screen and PDX modeling is an asset.
  • Experience with statistical analyses and scientific writing. Previous experience with grant writing is an asset.
  • Experience with bioinformatics approaches to biological data and familiarity with handling of genomics data is an asset.
  • Applicants with experience and a strong track record with large drug target screening, single cell methods, and PDX mouse models are especially encouraged to apply.

How to Apply

Exceptional candidates should submit a cover letter outlining your research interests and fit with the laboratory’s research, curriculum vitae, and the names of three referees willing to provide letters of reference.

Due to the number of resumes we receive, we are unable to confirm receipt of submissions over the phone, or provide the status of the competition. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

This position is located within a health-care facility. Therefore, this positions requires successful verification of full vaccination against Covid-19 provided prior to the start date, as required by the provincial health mandate.

UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity. All qualified persons are encouraged to apply.

Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, and/or Indigenous person.

Apply online now


Post-doctoral Fellow (PDF) G-quadruplex biology and therapeutics We are seeking a highly-motivated post-doctoral fellow (PDF) with strong leadership ability and expertise in molecular biology, single cell genomics and transcriptomics, and a background in DNA drug target biology in cancer. The successful applicant will work full-time under the supervision of Dr. Samuel Aparicio. The position start date is flexible.


A postdoctoral/research fellow position is available, working on an exciting international project to define additional mechanisms and target engagement of G4 ligands in cancer genomes, utilizing single cell sequencing and chemical biology methods. The Aparicio lab is developing small molecule ligands of G-quadruplex structures in DNA as a therapeutic, based on recent success from the lab demonstrating for the first time clinical proof of principle (Hilton et al, Nat. Comms 2022) for a G4 binder. The Aparicio lab is multidisciplinary environment, highly productive (Laks et al, Cell 2019, Salehi et al Nature 2021, Funnell et al Nature 2022, for projects and papers) and is well funded for single cell analysis of genomes and transcriptomes in cancer. The labs has created and practices methods for sequencing single genomes, defining epigenetic states in single cells and mapping gene fitness in vivo (Eirew et al, Nat. Comms 2022). The post holder will also have the opportunity to interact as part of the international Welcome LEAP Delta Tissue project and an exciting new program in the biology of epithelium from high risk carriers of BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations. The program works closely with UBC departments of statistics and computer science and the New York Genome Center NY, on the development of new models for single cell data and cancer evolution. Some experience with bioinformatics approaches to biological data and familiarity with handling of genomics data will be an advantage, beyond core experience of molecular biology and drug target biology in cancer.


Aparicio Lab is located in the department of Molecular Oncology at BC Cancer Research Center in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The candidate will report directly to Dr. Samuel Aparicio, and will play a senior leadership role in the laboratory.

The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at UBC is a hybrid, academically intensive Department within the UBC Faculty of Medicine whose activities span a broad spectrum of teaching, research, and academic service, often performed in the milieu of clinical practice, and are ultimately devoted to improving the care, treatment, and well-being of patients. The Department offers academic degrees at the bachelor’s (Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (BMLSc)) and graduate (MSc, PhD) levels with the graduate program, one of the largest in the Faculty of Medicine, which has been recognized by UBC for its quality. The Department plays a major role in the MD undergraduate program and offers an accredited residency-training program. Faculty members participate across a spectrum of research from basic investigative to translational to clinical applied research and are recognized locally, nationally and internationally for their excellence.


  • Provide leadership, strategic direction, and translational research pertaining to single cell genomics and transcriptomics, and CRISPR methods.
  • Design and implement research plan to investigate the clonal dynamics in human cancer through single cell methods.
  • Design and conduct animal experiments.
  • Conduct in vivo testing or characterization of drugs, small molecules, knockouts or antibodies in relevant PDX animal models.
  • Foster research collaborations and work jointly with academic, clinical, industry, and other partners.
  • Scientifically document lab experiments, data analysis, interpretations.
  • Write manuscripts, present results at internal and external meetings.
  • Identify funding opportunities and if required write or assist with grant proposals
  • Lead and mentor junior trainees/students in the laboratory


This is a senior research position that plays a critical role in the development of this novel field. PDF is accountable for the quality and integrity of the research and data, including analyses and interpretation, as well as the effective and efficient management of research projects and deliverables. This position requires innovation, strategic planning, and adaptability. Incorrect decisions or actions may damage the reputation of the laboratory, lead to loss of credibility in this field, and be financially costly.


The PDF will work with a high degree of independence and set priorities under broad directives from Dr. Aparicio. The PDF will be expected to provide direction and mentoring in the laboratory under the supervision of Dr. Aparicio. This position will also provide the candidate with a high level of exposure to single cell genomics and translational research, as well as, providing opportunities to work collaboratively with industry partners and other researchers globally.


The PDF will be expected to provide mentorship and guidance to undergraduate, graduate students and other research members as required.


  • Ph.D. in biology, cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, genomics, or similar discipline.
  • The candidate should have a solid scientific and technical background with excellent written/oral communication, interpersonal and organizational skills.
  • Preference will be given to candidates with a proven track record with a minimum of 2-3 first author publications in reputable journals.
  • Proficiency in cell biology, molecular biology, histology, genetics, genomics, next-generation sequencing and biochemistry techniques.
  • Demonstrate the ability to work in a highly interdisciplinary environment.
  • Experience with cancer research.
  • Expertise and hands-on experience in animal studies, including all aspects of design, handling, breeding, tissue collection, histology, and analyses are essential.
  • Familiarity with testing/characterization of small molecule or drug in vivo is preferred.
  • Previous biochemical/cell biology and molecular biology experience with single cell genomics / transcriptomics, next generation sequencing, drugs screen and PDX modeling is an asset.
  • Experience with statistical analyses and scientific writing. Previous experience with grant writing is an asset.
  • Experience with bioinformatics approaches to biological data and familiarity with handling of genomics data is an asset.
  • Applicants with experience and a strong track record with large drug target screening, single cell methods, and PDX mouse models are especially encouraged to apply.

How to Apply

Exceptional candidates should submit a cover letter outlining your research interests and fit with the laboratory’s research, curriculum vitae, and the names of three referees willing to provide letters of reference.

Due to the number of resumes we receive, we are unable to confirm receipt of submissions over the phone, or provide the status of the competition. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

This position is located within a health-care facility. Therefore, this positions requires successful verification of full vaccination against Covid-19 provided prior to the start date, as required by the provincial health mandate.

UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity. All qualified persons are encouraged to apply.

Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, and/or Indigenous person.

Apply online now

As a physician-scientist, the key philosophy of Dr. Aparicio’s program has been to provide a strong multidisciplinary environment for training of highly qualified personnel (HQP). His former trainees (career total 90) have gone on to success in academia: 1 institute director, 3 as PIs and others in medicine or in senior positions in industry or postgraduate education. All of his graduate students have been successful in securing national (CIHR, NSERC) or provincial (Michael Smith Foundation, CBCF BC/Yukon) competitive salary support and two of the four postdoctoral fellows are supported by independent peer reviewed salary awards from international (Australia), national (CBCF) and provincial (MSFHR) funding bodies. See the stories of some of them:

Gurdeep Singh

Assistant Professor at The University of New Mexico School of Medicine

Charles Soong

Associate for McKinsey and Company

Adi Steif

Assistant Professor at University of British Columbia

Courteney Lai

Research Scientist at AbCellera

Arusha Oloumi

Scientific Advisor for Mesothelioma for Bristol Myers Squibb

Gavin Ha

Assistant Professor at Fred Hutch

Gulisa Turashvili

Assistant Professor at University of Toronto

Angela Burleigh

Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Dermatologic Oncology Fellow at UBC

Anamaria Crisan

Senior Research Scientist Staff at Tableau Software

Sohrab Shah

Chief of Computational Oncology at MSKCC

Darren Saunders

Associate Professor of Medicine at UNSW Sydney

Cristian Brocchieri

Global Medical Director at Roche

Nuno Morais

Research Group Leader at Instituto de Medicina Molecular

Alan Christoffels

Professor at South African National Bioinformatics Institute


As researchers, we are fortunate to have the generous support of donors and grants that enable our pursuit of cutting-edge science. Our close collaboration with physicians and doctors at BC Cancer, across Canada and internationally allow us unparalleled access to patients and cases that we owe our success to. Finally, we share close collaborations with UBC professors that empower a majority of our interdisciplinary work.

As staff, we enjoy a healthy work-life balance and meaningful contributions to science. We aim to have an atmosphere of fun and learning, working in a small but amazing team of individuals helping make a difference in the world. Employed under both PHSA and UBC, we enjoy generous benefits include vacation, insurance and pension.